
As we enter March, we realize it was just 12 months ago that we had to follow our Governor’s orders and close down the practice for nearly 2.5 months. Granted we were still allowed to come into the office to treat dental emergencies, but a handful of patient’s a week compared to what we normally see, just had an eery feeling.

Alas, we were granted permission to re-open in late May and have been playing catch-up ever since. The patients of Johns Family Dentistry have been amazing through all of it. Not only were they thrown off schedule, they have been extremely understanding and supportive as we have attempted to get back on course.

Not all of the employees were able to return last May, due to childcare/homeschooling and health concerns. So you have seen some new faces in the practice.

We are starting March off with a bang! We have completed the addition and have two new operatories to better serve you. We now have a total of 6 clinical rooms and Dr Johns has a much smaller private office. (He is very adaptable!)




As a patient, you will see some new high tech equipment we have added as well. Investing in the practice, gives higher predictability and better treatment options for you as the patient. Dr Johns will be traveling out of state several times this year, taking courses and perfecting his craft.

As always we appreciate each of every one of you. Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of the JFD Family. Your leaders in restorative options such as crowns and implants and cosmetic dentistry.