Fall into a Routine
September is here and with the arrival of the cooler crisp air and changing colors we are adjusting to getting back into the comfort of familiar routines. Bedtimes, back to school schedules, sports, all make our personal time minimal. When will you get a chance to go to the fair? It is important to take the time to stop and breathe, slow your mind down and ask yourself, “What is important now?” By doing this you will be able to establish your priorities and in return you will dine it easier to organize your responsibilities. If you take time to set yourself up for success, everything else tends to fall right into place.
Perform the following each morning upon rising and again in the evening before you lay your head down:
- Take two minutes to reflect and set your priorities and goals for the day.
- Take two minutes to schedule it – in you outlook, planner, or whatever you used to track your daily appointments. The most important step is writing it down and scheduling.
- Take one minute to affirm it by stating your priorities and goals out loud.
Fall is a perfect time to start your healthy routine. Exercising, flossing, simply making the time for your health.
Success comes down to working towards your own best. You must remember your definition of success is up to you.
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